Friday Sessions

Concepts – Making connections

This session will provide an overview of the 12 Concepts of World Service as context for NAATW and its purpose to provide a venue to encourage the sharing of experience, strength and hope regarding technology in AA.

Don M, Broomfield, CO

GSO Web/App Updates

In this session we’ll hear from GSO staff on status, planning and updates for and the Meeting Guide App and general updates on additional technology related topics from GSO

Clement C. GSO, New York, NY

Julie G. GSO, New York, NY

Connecting Remote Communities

In this panel presentation we’ll hear from AA members who are a part of remote communities that utilize technologies as a way to connect to AA. Panelists include a nomadic AA RV’er a Gate/List Keeper for the “Loner’s, International” email group, and a regular attendee of an online meeting of english speakers in China.

Susan W., Austin, TX

Tim R., RV Nomad


Connecting Through Technology in Other Languages

An AA member from Area 39 shares her experience developing a linguistic district website for their area, published with Spanish site content via English site code.

Cheri J., Kansas City, MO

Connecting Through Technology at the Area Level

In this session an area servant will share how his area is using technology to connect committees and communications.

Royce R., Freehold, NJ

Best Practices for Digital Archiving, File Management and Rotation

A webmaster from SE Texas Area 67 shares his experience, best practices and challenges of digital archiving/file management and rotations at the area level.

Joel G., Houston, TX

Communicating Online in AA

An AA member shares on communication and technology in AA and overall, from a historical background through to the current landscape, including the basics, best practices, the AA Communications Audit findings, and how areas in Texas have approached online communication in AA.

Stephy O., Houston, TX

NAATW Website Discussion

Come to this session and help identify ways to improve the NAATW website.

Blaine B., Andover, MA

Alex M., Washington, DC

TIAA Forum Update

In this session we’ll here from community admins of the TIAA forum about exciting new technologies and features added to the forum this year.


Saturday Sessions

Cultural effects of technology on AA

Technology changes have dramatically influenced our culture in recent decades. This session will focus specifically on the influence of those changes on AA.

Brian P., Los Angeles, CA

Technologies for the 12th Step: Chat and Email

Two speakers will share experience with using mass email and chat technologies to effectively reach out to newcomers and members alike. Ross will present on how their Central Service implemented and staffed 24-hour Chat service on their website and the resulting benefit of reaching still suffering alcoholics that could not have been reached before. Keith will provide an overview of various methods available to us such as mass email and text message tools, Google Groups, MailChimp, and Facebook Groups. Common pitfalls and Traditions concerns (and benefits) will be covered as well.

Keith D., Dallas, TX

Ross D., Ok City, OK

Implementing Google and Microsoft Platforms for AA

This session will focus on the experience from two different entities in implementing platforms to support service members in their areas. Bruce will share about his experience using Microsoft non-profit offerings for Northern New Jersey Area 44 and Alex will highlight his experience with implementing Google non-profit offerings for the intergroup in Washington, DC.

Bruce R., Northern NJ

Alex M., Washington, DC

Technology Practices in Other Countries

In this session we’ll hear from members of AA around the world. These members will be presenting using remote technologies and they will share about their experience using technology in AA.


Sharing Technology from Areas to Districts

Area 38 recently started hosting subdomains for district websites. In this session two members from the area will share about how this was accomplished and the value and level of effort involved in this endeavor.

Chris W., Columbia, MO

Peter M., St. Louis, MO

Simplifying the Digital basket

In California many groups use services like VenMo to contribute to the 7th tradition at their home groups. This session will focus on how to simplify this for non technical members but will include themes that address who might be left behind as we implement more technologies into AA and what we might do about it.

Christina R., Stockton, CA

Grapevine Technology U\pdate

In this session Grapevine staff will share about updates to the Grapevine website and other technical initiatives underway


Technology Panel Discussion

Panel discussion focusing on future technology strategies and needs at different levels of AA


Using Technology to Enhance your AA Conference

This session looks at the various ways Technology can be used to carry the message and enhance attendee experience at AA Conferences, including working with 3rd party vendors to develop custom conference websites that track metrics year over year, using video streaming for online overflow, and moderating Secret Facebook Groups.

Phillip C., Nashville, TN

Spencer W., Atlanta, GA

Bridging AA Communication Gaps Through Technology

In this session the presenter will explore using online forum technologies similar to the to conduct virtual service-position roundtables and to address some of the communication gaps identified in the GSB Communications Audit

Terry P., Columbia, MD

Connecting Meeting and Group Data – Using Airtable

The presenter for this session will share experience in setting up an Airtable database for his area’s records. The session will highlight the creation of middleware that connects the database to the Meeting Guide app and plugin using an Airtable API.

Adam S., Albany, NY

Sunday Sessions

2019 Workshop Report & Hosting Bid Presentations

This session will cover a report from the host committee and we’ll hear bids for the 2020 conference.

All Attendees

Annual Member Meeting

All attendees are part of the membership of NAATW and are encouraged to participate in our annual members meeting to elect new officers and vote on important workshop business

All Attendees

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