2024 Program:

Click here for printable program pdf.

2024 Members Meeting Minutes:

Coming soon.

2024 Crowd Sourced Notes:

Click here for printable crowd sourced notes pdf.

FRIDAY September 13, 2024

Conference Registration: Overcoming Conference Registration Challenges

PRESENTER(S): Kerri K. – Los Lunas, NM (Online presentation.)

Code 4 Recovery Update: The open-source collective Code4Recovery will share an update on their projects and the status of their work, including the TSML WordPress plugin, the “central” CMS, and more.

PRESENTER(S): Josh R., Mountain View, CA (in person) and David V.


TIAA Update: Administrators from the TIAA forum share updates on the forum over the past year.

PRESENTER(S): Lew G. – Westminster, CO (In person) and and Shap W. (online)

SATURDAY, September 14, 2024

GSO Presentation (hybrid): An update from GSO staff on their technology initiatives.

PRESENTER(S): Clorinda V., Communications Director, Lorna G., Technology Services, Tracey G., GSO Senior Digital Strategist (Online)

Grapevine/La Vina (hybrid): An update from Grapevine staff on their technology initiatives

PRESENTER(S): Wendell O, Niurka M

General Service Map: Josh R will discuss a project to build out good mapping data for General service areas, and the potential applications

PRESENTER(S): Josh R., Mountain View, CA (in person)

Saleable Self-Serve Commerce for Modern AA: An approach for Intergroups and Central offices to manage their shops without fulltime staffing

PRESENTER(S): Bob M., St. Louis, MO and Krysta H., St. Louis, MO

Tech in Corrections:

PRESENTER(S): Sandy H. (Online presentation)

PI Sharing Session:

PRESENTER(S): Jeannie M. (Online presentation)

Zoom Security Panel: Panel discussion of Zoom interrupters and Zoom security best practices

PRESENTER(S): Thom R. and David W. (Online presentation)

Accessibility / Deaf: How technology can help AA service our deaf members

PRESENTER(S): Virginia (Online presentation)

Intro to Website Accessibility: What does it take to make a website accessible? What improvements can we make?


MASTODON: The Elephant In The Room.

PRESENTER(S): Daniel C., Asheville, NC

SUNDAY, September 15, 2024

How to “Work a Workshop” (hybrid)

PRESENTER(S): Glenn R., Melbourne, FL (In-Person)

NAATW Members’ Meeting
The NAATW Steering Committee’s report back to the NAATW members.
Election of new NAATW Steering Committee members.
